Again, as part of what has become a time honoured tradition for our great Club, the 2023 Annual General Meeting & Annual Dinner will again see as return to one of Melbourne's most highly esteemed and amazing venues - The Australian Club.
Across a number of decades now our Club has graciously gathered to share in each others company and preserve the history of Australia's oldest game fishing organisation. The past two years saw these occasions offer a shift in ceremony, where tales of yesteryear and the good ol' days were recounted and jovially discussed in an intimate settings. Member feedback was extremely positive, however, much of the shift came about thanks to state government health and safety orders and limitations or availability of members.
As much as these nights were immensely enjoyed and educational, this year the committee has decided that a return to a highly engaging guest speaker model and more ceremony is to be the way on the night.
2023s dinner promises to be an outstanding evening and occasion, as we see the return of one of our favourite past speakers Dr. Julian Pepperell and we make some ceremonial changes that will be sure to add to the evenings class, enjoyment and importance.

It is with great pleasure we invite all Club members (and guests) to the 2023 Swordfish & Tunny Club Annual Dinner & AGM.
To be held at:
The Australian Club
Ellis Rowan Room
110 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000.
(As a guest of current and long time STC member Jim Allen)
Our Club event will commence at
7pm Friday November 24th
The cost for the dinner is $175.00 per person.
STC members are encouraged to bring a guest(s).
DRESS CODE: Formal. Gentleman: Dinner Suit (Black Tie) or Lounge Suit (preferably with Club Tie)
Ladies: Dinner Dress
> Three Course Classic Dinner and Beverage Service
> Annual General Meeting proceeding The Dinner (See details below)
> Guest Speaker: Dr. Julian Pepperell
> STC 2022-23 Trophy Presentation
> Special Club Raffle
Please use the above online payment button to reserve your place at the dinner. Payment will be noted as your RSVP. Should you wish to bring a guest, the online payment form only allows one pace reservation at a time to track RSVPs. Simply use the form again to reserve a place for one or more guests.
Questions regarding RSVP and attendance can be made to info@swordfishandtunnyclub.org until Friday November 17th
The Annual General Meeting
This year's AGM will cover the following Club business matters:
· To receive the President’s Annual Report.
· To consider the Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the financial year.
· To elect Office Bearers for the ensuing year.
· To consider any other business which may be brought before the meeting in accordance with the Rules of the Club.

Committee & Office Bearers
The Nomination for Committee/Office Bearers is a very important part of the AGM.
If you wish to nominate a member who you consider would be able to make essential and important contributions to the Club, please notify Andrew Pennisi on 0413 052 401 before the 17th of November 2023. This will be the only opportunity to nominate for a position. As part of the Club's constitution all Office Bearers vacate their positions at the AGM, and a new committee is elected based on nominations.
It is vitally important that we have people on the Committee who are prepared to devote their time and talents to take the Club forward. Many of the members of the committee have held their respective roles for many years, and the Club needs fresh talent to generate new ideas and ensure the Club's future is prosperous.
Furthermore, if you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to proxy your vote to another member on matters of business please notify Andrew Pennisi (andrew@pennisi.com.au) for a form.

STC Membership
A quick reminder for those yet to pay their 2023-24 Game Fishing Season Club Membership
We still have a small number of last year's Club members yet to pay their membership. As we are now required to pass on each members $28 GFAA and GFVA Afflication contribution the Club needs this matter resolved now. Electronic Funds Transfers are still available for those wishing to continue with that method of payment. Instructions on payment are outlined on your membership renewal e-mail.
An online safe secure payment can be made via the PAY NOW button link below.
The Club is well aware that 2023 has been financially difficult for some people, please contact our Club Secretary Andrew Pennisi on 0413 052 401 (andrew@pennisi.com.au) for assistance if this is a concern regarding payment of your membership.
Any 2022-23 members not wishing to continue their Club membership need to advise the Club as soon as possible.

Club Trohies: Final Notification of Captures Season 2022-23
We wish to ensure that all fish captured or released are recorded and that our Club's outstanding trophies are worthily won. Could you please notify the Club of your captures and Tag and Release details for the season ended 30th June 2023 by the 10th of November. Club trophies will be presented and announced at the AGM.

New Members
For our Club to grow and be successful, we need new members. If you know of any suitable members for your club and wish to nominate them, please contact Club Secretary Andrew Pennisi on 0413 052 401 for an application form.