While there were many fantastic fish caught and released by STC members throughout the 2018-19 gamefishing season, the lack of tagging and also weighing of many fish meant that we were a bit lean on handing out our amazing trophies.
The trophy presentation at this years dinner would have gone a little longer if we had been able to include Tim Simpson's release of an 500kg bluefin tuna or for that matter Mark Nan Tie's 360kg and 410kg Bluefin tuna all caught on the same trip to PEI late 2018. Trish Simpson would have also been in contention with a pair of estimated 65kg yellowfin tuna caught while fishing in Fiji. It also adds more value to the trophies themselves when there are a greater number of fish in the mix. Lastly when future generations look back on this period in the Club's history and they look over the number of trophies not awarded they may wonder if we fished much at all – and I for one think for a club of our historical significance that's sad.
To those that did take out trophies my heartiest congratulations.
Ian Cutler Trophy - Awarded for tag and release effort of billfish anywhere in the world DAVID ELLIS - Tag and release of a Striped Marlin estimated to be 70kg on 24kg line class
Vida Trophy - Awarded for the most meritorious contribution to tag and release anywhere in the world
MARK HALEY - Tag and release of a Black Marlin estimated to be 75kg on 24kg line class
Tom Mitchell Trophy - Awarded for the most meritorious capture of a game fish anywhere in the world on 10kg line of less.
JOHN HUGHES - Capture of a Yellowtail Kingfish of 10.45kg on 6kg line class
Members know, the STC holds many of Australia's most prestigious game fishing trophies. Not only do they recognise amazing angling efforts, they recognise the who's who of game fishing in Australia – many are pioneers of the sport. This years winners are no exception to that rule.
For members interested in submitting fish captures or tag and release entries for a trophy, the trophy season runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. We will continue to welcome all entires that fall into this date range up until a week before the Clubs AGM. Trophies for the 2019-20 season will be handed out at the AGM/Annual Dinner. For entry and eligibility rules please review the trophies page on or website.